About - The Office of Youth, Young Adult, & Campus Ministries (2024)


We help ministry leaders to become missionary leaders, who in turn work to foster a culture of mission within each parish. Dallas is a big diocese, and the only feasible way to impact the thousands of youth and young adults throughout the diocese is to follow the example of The Way. The master plan for evangelization crafted by Jesus Christ himself was to foster disciples—those who would carry on the efficacy of the God-Man’s legacy—who would in turn cultivate the growth of more disciples.

Intrinsic to every human being’s core need is the person of Jesus Christ. True missionaries never stop witnessing to that need and the joy that abounds from knowing the person from whom the need exists. Further, the witness of a missionary is always offered through the lens of the culture and charism of the community served. Every decision made or project initiated by the Office of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministries, no matter its size or impact, is done through the lens of this mission—to make missionaries.

Ministry Leader Dashboard


Spiritual Formation

Jesus Christ cares more about each person’s individual heart above what he or she can produce for the Kingdom. Ministry Leaders seek to be a reservoir of God’s abundant grace, sharing only in excess from the overflow, rather than a channel reserving nothing for oneself. A Ministry Leader must never allow their ministry to distract them from the work of personal discipleship and their own relationship with the Father.

Human Formation

The work of ministry can be quite demanding. In order to sustain longevity in working for the Church, Ministry Leaders need to devote aggressive attention to the needs of their person: dedication to their primary vocation; healthy and life-giving relationships with others; care of their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Intellectual Formation

Curiosity and a hunger for knowledge ensures the Ministry Leader continues to uphold the importance of the truth which we communicate in light of the Gospel. While particular attention needs to be given to the study of Theology, Scripture, and the Sacraments, it is also beneficial to invest in interdisciplinary studies that can be applied to the ministry setting.

Operational Formation

The work of ministry is aided by efficiency tools, standard operating procedures, and organizational systems. When employed properly, these ministry aids allow Ministry Leaders more space for creativity and more time for relationship-building. Attention to the operational components of ministry can eliminate the energy spent on routine tasks, the burden of managing paperwork, and the too-common drama of a job done without proper care.

Pastoral Formation

The Good Shepherd has entrusted Ministry Leaders with the souls within their ministries. In the Spirit of Christ, Ministry Leaders are to approach those with whom they minister with an attitude of reverence for the sacred that dwells within each person. Ministry Leaders are to know their people and communities well in order to best respond to their needs with the love of the Gospel.

Methodological Formation

The Church is challenged to keep pace with a rapidly changing society. While there is timeless simplicity and fruitfulness in the Biblical principles left to us by Christ, there is a necessity that our ministries remain audaciously creative and innovative in developing methodologies that can deliver the Gospel in effective ways. All methodologies aim at communicating the love of Jesus and fostering discipleship.

Who We Serve

The Office of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministries supports the mission of the Bishop to teach, govern, and sanctify the faithful in the Diocese of Dallas.

Our office primarily serves ministry leaders who have been empowered by their Pastor/Director with the role to coordinate ministry with middle school-aged, high school-aged, college-aged, and young adult individuals within their entity. Ministry Leaders may be full-time, part-time, or volunteer.

Ministry Leaders have access to our monthly eGram communications.

Secondarily to ministry leaders, our office serves Ministry Team Volunteers, as well as direct constituents (middle school-aged, high school-aged, college-aged, and young adult individuals). Ministry Team Volunteers support ministry within their entity by following the leadership of their Ministry Leader.

Ministry Team Volunteers receive communication from the OYYACM through their Ministry Leaders.

Middle School Youth

Those typically in the 6th-8th grades or around the ages of 12-14.

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High School Teens

Those in grades 9th-12th or around the ages of 14-18.

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College-Age (18-21)

Young Adults out of high school up to age 21. Including those in the workforce, military, or furthering their education.

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Young Adults (21+)

Young Adults Ages 21+
Unmarried, married, & discerning. In the workforce, military, or school.

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About - The Office of Youth, Young Adult, & Campus Ministries (1)

Joshua Salinas

Director of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministries

Charged with visioning, articulating, and executing a creative, strategic ministry plan for the fostering of disciples in parishes and high school and college campuses.



About - The Office of Youth, Young Adult, & Campus Ministries (2)

Tiffany Vu

Associate Director of Ministry Development

Collaborates with the other department staff in managing the continuing mission of strategic ministry development throughout the diocese (parish and school campuses). Leads in the consultative work with parishes to assist in creating a plan for developing comprehensive, sustainable, and culturally responsive parish ministry.



About - The Office of Youth, Young Adult, & Campus Ministries (3)

Jacob Coffman

Associate Director of Content Development

Collaborates with the other department staff in serving the office’s mission and vision by creating and overseeing the catechetical frameworks for live content offerings. In Additionally the AD of Content Development acts as the Conference Director for the Dallas Catholic Youth Conference (DCYC).

(214) 379-2855


About - The Office of Youth, Young Adult, & Campus Ministries (4)

Edith Torres

Associate Director of Outreach and Diversity

Collaborates with the other department staff in serving as a collaborative visioning voice in key strategic and research initiatives. Additionally, the AD of Outreach and Diversity is the main point of contact for Pastoral Juvenil Hispana, and collaborates with the AD of Ministry Development to provide on-site collaborative work with Ministry Leaders.



About - The Office of Youth, Young Adult, & Campus Ministries (5)

Julia Quezada

Ministry Development Coordinator

The Ministry Development Coordinator works hand in hand with the Ministry Development Team to support schools and parishes with consultative work to create comprehensive, sustainable, and culturally responsive ministry.



About - The Office of Youth, Young Adult, & Campus Ministries (6)

Nadia Mendez

Administrative Assistant

Performs operational functions internal to the OYYACM; responsible for maintaining major communications channels, supports the director and the OYYACM team with day to day tasks.



About - The Office of Youth, Young Adult, & Campus Ministries (2024)


What is the purpose of Young Adult ministry? ›

To connect young adults with the mission of the Church in the world through forming a Christian conscience, educating and developing leaders for the present and future.

What is the purpose of the youth Ministries? ›

The purpose of Youth Ministry is to provide a dedicated and nurturing space within the church for young people to grow in their faith, spirituality, and personal development.

What is the importance of youth ministry in the church? ›

Why Youth Ministry Is Important. Investing in today's youth is necessary in growing the body of Christ. Teaching young people in the church to grow in their relationship with the Lord can prepare them to serve Christ in all they do. As a result, this nurtures the congregation and allows the church to flourish.

How do you have a successful young adult ministry? ›

Here are 10 steps to launching an effective young adult ministry:
  1. Find Someone to Champion the Ministry. Someone needs to step up and be the leader. ...
  2. Start With Prayer. ...
  3. Build a Team. ...
  4. Serve a Vision. ...
  5. Find Mentors. ...
  6. Create Regular Small Groups. ...
  7. Identify and Equip Natural Leaders. ...
  8. Bring Everyone Together.
Jul 28, 2019

What are the important elements of youth ministry? ›

Eight Components of a Comprehensive Ministry:
  • Advocacy.
  • Catechesis.
  • Community Life.
  • Evangelization.
  • Justice and Service.
  • Leadership Development.
  • Pastoral Care.
  • Prayer and Worship.

What are the characteristics of a youth ministry? ›

There are 10 characteristics that can be found in every church which is doing well in investing in the next generation.
  • Clarity of vision and purpose. ...
  • Agreed discipleship strategy. ...
  • Well planned programmes. ...
  • Committed leadership. ...
  • Authentic worship. ...
  • Intergenerational relationships. ...
  • Youth contribution. ...
  • External outlook.

What makes a youth ministry successful? ›

At the end of the day, youth ministry is about making disciples who make disciples. A truly effective ministry isn't always the one with the most kids showing up every week, but the one with students who are committed Christ-followers and who are inviting their friends to follow Him, too.

What is a good Bible verse for youth? ›

1 Timothy 4:12 - Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. 2 Timothy 2:22-26 - So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.

What are the duties of a youth pastor? ›

Their duties include organizing youth events or retreats to encourage community building, teaching Sunday school and other educational programs and communicating with church staff about faith education needs.

What is the motto of the young adult ministry? ›

MOTTO. 1st Timothy 4:12: “Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.

What attracts young adults to church? ›

Churches who show sincerity in their faith and intentions are more likely to attract teenagers and reduce church dropouts. Ensure your congregation has a good reputation for being genuine and loving. Encourage congregational members to show love and respect towards younger generations.

What do you preach to young adults? ›

A good topic for preaching to the youth could be identity and purpose in Christ. Other topics can include peer pressure, mental health, or navigating social media from a Christian perspective.

How do you structure a youth ministry? ›

The young adults team should work together to:
  1. Form the Growth Groups.
  2. Set vision, mission, goals, and functions.
  3. Put together events, Bible studies, discussions, etc.
  4. Find ways to connect with other young adult groups. A great recommendation is YAWA.

What is the most important key to success in ministry? ›

Prayer is the key to a successful ministry.

We can plan, strategize, and host big events. But without prayer, they are just our plans, not God's.


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.