Table of Contents
Taking Attendance
Mass Apply Attendance Codes
From the Pagesnavigation tree, search for Attendance.
The Attendancepage can be accessed for information, attendance submission and attendance updates. Currently enrolled students will display when a teacher logs intoAeriesand navigates to theAttendance page.
On the Class Attendance page, there are several icons available for each student that allow the teacher quick access to information. The options available are:
- View Student Profile - This icon takes the teacher to the Student Profile page for this student
- View Attendance Detail - This icon takes the teacher to the Attendance Detail page for this student
- View Contacts - this icon opens the Quick Contacts sub-menu for this student.
Options ↑
The teacher's display is determined by the Attendance Portal Optionsthat have been specified by the district. The Attendance Portal Optionsdetermine the following on the Attendancepage:
- Which attendance codes are available to teachers for attendance submission
- The date ranges which teachers are able to submit or modify attendance
- The time ranges which teachers are able to submit or modify attendance
- Whether teachers can view, submit or modify Attendance Notes
- The number of days that student add/drops are displayed on the Attendancepage
- Any additional student data fields displayed on the Attendancepage
- Lunch Count submission
Taking Attendance ↑
The attendance date on the Attendancepage will default to the current date and the current date will be highlighted in yellow on the Attendanceform. To take attendance, click in the checkbox for the corresponding absence code of "A" forAbsentor "T" forTardyto the right of the student's name. Attendance submission is effective immediately and there is no need for a Savebutton.
The Student data columns on the Attendance page can be sorted. This includes the additional Student data fields that are setup on the Portal Options page to display to teachers. When a column header is clicked on an arrow will display and the column will be sorted in ascending or descending order.
To change the attendance submission date, click the mouse on theAttendance Date dropdown field which is located at the top of the page. To assist with selecting dates in the date dropdown, the current date is highlighted in green.
The All Remaining Students are Present button at the top of the page is used to submit that all students present for the selected date.
NOTE: Teachers MUST submit Attendance everyday. If all students are present, use the All Remaining Students Are Present button to log attendance submission.
Once a teacher has submitted attendance:
- The All Remaining Students Are Presentbutton will no longer display.
- A green submission date and time stamp replaces theAll Remaining Students Are Presentbutton.
- The Attendance Submission Logregisters that attendance has been submitted by the teacher for the specified date.
The Attendance form has Absence Totalsthat displays a summary of each student's attendance information by attendance type in the far right columns.
If the district requires attendance to be submitted during a specified time range, the ability to take attendance is disabled after the time range has passed. The time restriction is often required to assure that attendance is submitted prior to the time when the auto-dialer will interface with attendance and notify parents of students who are absent or tardy. The following is an example of a time restriction message that will display on the Attendancepage.
Mass Apply Attendance Codes ↑
Teachers can Mass Apply Attendance Codeson the Teacher Attendance page when the Allow teachers to Mass Apply Absence codesoption is enabled. To use this feature, the Allow teachers to Mass Apply Absence Codes option must be enabled on the Portal Options screen. The code must first exist in the Absence Code table and must be added in Portal Options with a checkmark to allow Mass Apply. See Portal Options for detailed information.
When teachers have the Allow Teachers to Mass Apply Attendance Code option enabled, a "Mass Apply" grey header will display above the class periods on the teacher's Class Attendance page. An expansion arrow will open the mass apply options and display categories based on data contained within each period.
Generally, classes, student grades, and programs will display by default. Additional information will display based on defined data under "Student Fields on Attendance Screen" from the Portal Options.
Filters must be set prior to using the mass apply option. Either leave all data defaulting as selected, this will allow mass applying to the entire page or uncheck the "All" box for a chosen category and select the criteria you wish to use. Once all options have been set, you must select the "Apply Filter" button.
In this example, the mass apply option will be set for AM values only and all other categories will include all students.
Once a filter has been applied, all records included in the filter will be displayed in blue. This will help to identify the records that will be changed prior to selecting the Mass Apply Option.
After selecting Apply Filterbutton, the window for Mass Applying data will expand to show the mass apply options. These Mass Apply features will only display if the teacher portal group has been given proper permissions. If the teacher group only has permissions to one of these mass apply features, only the one with permissions will display.
To Mass Apply Attendance Codes, use the drop-down to select any code available to the teacher as defined in Portal Options. To mass apply an attendance code for all filtered students, click on the Applybutton. Mass Apply Codes and Notes have separate Apply buttons and are used independently. However, it is only necessary to apply a filter one time if the teacher wishes to mass apply attendance codes and notes to the same selected criteria.
The down-arrow can be used to select which Attendance Code the teacher will add for the selected students.
Absence codes added with the Mass Apply Attendance Code feature will not overwrite absences already added for students unless the Force Overwrite option is selected. The Mass Apply Attendance Code feature will not overwrite verified absences unless the teacher has been given Allow Mass Apply permissions for the verified absence code. When finished, select the absence code then click the Applybutton.
The selected absence code has now been applied to all students.
A green message will appear in the upper right corner indicating the number of records updated.