Beauty of Resilience 花戎 Episode 1 Recap | MyAsianArtist (2024)

When Hongmeng first opened, the three realms of immortals and demons gradually formed, only the phoenix was born with the heaven and the earth, awakened from Nirvana for thousands of years, and then disappeared. Immortal cultivation is popular in the Great Yu Kingdom in the world, and once every three years, all those who have reached the age of sixteen, regardless of whether they are princes or nobles or famous ladies, will be tested by the Immortal Mirror, and if they are selected, they can be sent to Bailu Academy.

The third lady of the Ministry of Rites, Wei Lingyue, has outstanding qualifications and extremely rare bones. Her younger sister, Wei Jingyue, is equally good. The two sisters have already been well-known inside and outside the capital. On the other hand, Wei Zhi is an envoy in Shangshu's mansion. She is nicknamed broom star and is often despised by the whole family. Her greatest wish is to enter the academy to practice through the selection of immortals, which can not only change her own destiny, but also let her mother and younger brother Wei Ye live a good life.

However, Wei's mother, Gu, believed that her daughter was born with a nemesis fate, and only wanted to marry her off as soon as possible, even if the man was disabled. At this moment, Wei Shangshu knew that Wei Zhi was also on the list of immortal bones, and told Wei Lingyue to take care of his younger sister, but also to remember to watch over his own maid, so as not to cause trouble outside and damage the face of Shangshufu.

Wei Zhi tried every means to break free from his mother's shackles, and had no choice but to ask Miss San for help. Fortunately, Wei Lingyue stood up and allowed her to attend the coming-of-age ceremony with the team. As a result, Gu's naturally had nothing to say, Wei Jingyue was arrogant and domineering, and always looked down on these lowly servants, even if she couldn't understand what the third sister was doing, she didn't interfere too much.

On the day of Xianxian, the horses and chariots were like dragons, attracting people from all over the city to watch, and even children from poor families blocked the road to beg. The sisters of the Wei family had no intention of giving alms at all. The head butler was good at observing words and expressions, and immediately pushed the little beggar to the side of the road.

Wei Zhi kindly helped the little beggar, took out his few copper coins, and noticed Yan Yue standing in the distance the next second. The steward greeted Wei Zhi to follow the team, Yan Yue watched Wei Zhi go away from the back, doubts gradually arose in his heart, he couldn't figure out why mortals could see him.

Many aristocratic boys and girls appeared on the stage one after another, including Qingming, the young lord of Gucheng at the border, Liu Chang, the son of the mighty general, Baoliang, the Baosheng bank, and Xiao Jin, the son of the official servant. Not long after, the national teacher came to the scene to preside over the situation. Dozens of people divided into groups to appraise the immortals one by one, until Wei Zhi and others stood in front of the fairy mirror. three realms.

As soon as the phoenix came out, Huarong regained its radiance, and the omen of the Immortal Mirror quickly spread, and the masters of the three realms were all paying attention to this matter. The national teacher reported to the emperor in the world that the phoenix is a symbol of auspiciousness, which means that the Dayu Kingdom will surely come to an end. It will take some time to find the real phoenix from among the eighteen people. The most urgent task is to recruit them into Bailu Academy, and then Ask an expert to teach and observe from the side.

Because the phoenix is still in its infancy and its bloodline is deeply hidden. If the bloodline is activated three times, its mana will sweep the three realms invincibly. In order to prevent the demons from coveting its power and causing future troubles, the emperor ordered the red sun god Yan to cross the lower bounds to find the phoenix. Qing Huan, the leader of the army, was responsible for assisting the whole process. After receiving the news, Yan Luo, the son of the Queen of Heaven, brought Yan Yue to see him off immediately, but Yan Yue reminded his younger brother Yan Luo to come back to serve the Heavenly Court as soon as possible, instead of always being idle and wild.

Gu objected to Wei Zhi's going to Bailu Academy to practice, and resented her for indirectly killing her husband and father ten years ago. The young Wei Ye devoted himself to protecting his sister. With the encouragement of his younger brother, Wei Ye resolutely followed the Wei family motorcade to Bailu Academy, leaving a letter to say goodbye to his mother.

Taoist Shanmen has been waiting outside the academy for a long time, and reiterated that the gate rules are strict, and no one other than students is allowed to enter. The sisters of the Wei family threw their heavy luggage to Wei Zhi, and let her live in the worst room. Wei Zhi didn't care about these things at all, as long as he could cultivate to perfection and ascend to the Tao.

Yanyue incarnates as a Penglai fairy envoy and acts as a teacher. As soon as he appears on the stage, he reprimands the talkative Baoliang as a warning to others. After the induction ceremony for all the disciples was over, the dean Jingxiu talked with Yan Yue alone, worried that he and the national teacher had known each other for many years, and he might be affected by his friendship and might be unfair in the selection of Phoenix. It is destiny, and no one can change it.

Afterwards, Yan Yue summoned all the disciples to familiarize themselves with the rules of the sect, and all the disciples were controlled by magic, and they were exhausted after a morning class. Wei Jingyue humiliated Wei Zhi in public, and those who climbed the flames followed suit. Fortunately, Minglang and Liu Chang came forward to make a rescue. On the other side, the members of the demon clan tried to spy around the academy, and Wei Zhi came to send Yan Yue the washed clothes, easily cracking the barrier of the door. Yan got closer and looked at Wei Zhi, the scene of her wearing a wedding dress appeared in his mind, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Beauty of Resilience 花戎 Episode 1 Recap | MyAsianArtist (2024)


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