Beauty of Resilience 花戎 Episode 19 Recap | MyAsianArtist (2024)

When everyone was at a loss, Chen Yan suddenly thought of a clever plan. That night, he and Sima Wangyue rushed to the enemy's camp with the intention of burning food and grass. Unexpectedly, the other party had already set a trap and both of them were captured. The grain and grass officer failed to ask useful information about Wei Cangjun, but was fooled by Chen Yan into believing that he was the son of Sima Jin, so that he inhaled the smoke and fell into a coma.

Thanks to Chen Yan's preparations, he urged Sima Wangyue to take out his hair sword to separate the hemp rope binding his hands and feet. Sima Wangyue had no choice but to do as he said, exposing his daughter unintentionally, and Chen Yan pretended to be nonchalant. Under Chen Yan's suggestion, Sima Wangyue deliberately burned several carts of grain and grass, and escaped from the enemy's camp smoothly.

However, not long after they left, Yin Keji, the leader of the Jinghe Army, came to the barracks to check the situation of food and grass, as if he had already guessed that this would happen. On the other hand, Sima Wangyue violated the military order without authorization. Sima Jin reprimanded him in public and fined him to run 20 miles with a heavy load.

Chen Yan tactfully refused, saying that he had been captured due to a mistake in judgment before, but in fact he wanted to continue to follow Sima Wangyue. Sima Jin would not force others to make things difficult for him, so he was promoted to be a centurion. Although the incident of burning the enemy's food and grass was not dangerous, Sima Jin reminded her daughter to learn from it. Life and death on the battlefield are unpredictable, just like a chess game is complicated. To win the overall situation, you must be careful.

That night, all the soldiers met to take a bath, but they bumped into Sima Wangyue in the shower room. Everyone didn't know her daughter's body, and they wanted to get together. Fortunately, Chen Yan appeared in time to make a rescue. It was also because of the chaotic scene that Sima Wangyue ran away in fright, and left the handkerchief in a hurry, but was held in Chen Yan's arms.

Early the next morning, Sima Wangyue couldn't wait to go and ask Chen Yan how she knew her daughter's identity. Chen Yan had to tell the truth, and was overwhelmed by her courage and feelings. Considering that today is Mu Nan's birthday, Sima Wangyue asked Chen Yan how to cook, and with his help, he cooked and prepared some small dishes himself, which moved Mu Nan deeply. It's just that Sima Wangyue has always regarded Mu Nan as his younger brother. When Mu Nan heard the words, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him. He was moved but also a little bit disappointed.

Sima Jin sent people to secretly investigate Chen Yan's life background, and confirmed that his parents died when he was young, and he had been a horse thief before joining the army, which was no different from what he said. At this moment, Sima Wangyue approached Mu Nan and Chen Yan to discuss the peace talks between the two armies. It was important to ensure the safety of the marshal during the peace talks, and not to lose Wei Jun's military prestige.

Mu Nan inspected the outpost camp and found that there was a place where sundries were stored unattended, so he reminded Chen Yan not to take it lightly. Despite Chen Yan's assurance, he waited until midnight to go to the dense forest to meet with Yin Keji. The content of the conversation between the two was enough to reveal his true identity as an agent of the Jinghe Kingdom. Chen Yan returned to the room, looking at Sima Wangyue's handkerchief in a daze. Obviously, the time spent together had made him gradually fall in love with him.

In the blink of an eye, seven days later, the peace talks between the two armies were held as scheduled, but the results were still unsatisfactory. The root cause was the lack of sincerity and perfunctory attitude of the Jinghe Kingdom. In fact, Yin Keji planned this peace talk not for the peaceful coexistence of the two armies, but to take this opportunity to assassinate Sima Jin.

Chen Yan, dressed in night clothes and a face scarf, pretended to be an assassin and attacked Sima Jin. Sima Wangyue quickly drew his sword to resist, and then cut his arm. Because the situation was getting worse, Yin Keji's eyes hinted that the soldiers rushed up to surround Chen Yan, but he deliberately fought against them, and used some tricks to make him escape from everyone's sight smoothly.

Beauty of Resilience 花戎 Episode 19 Recap | MyAsianArtist (2024)


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